We had a crazy downpour early this month, which isn't uncommon around here. But when I went out to my Equinox, I about freaked out! All four windows were wide open, and my car was flooded! Water everywhere – seats, floorboards, the whole mess.
I think I accidentally held down the unlock button on my keyfob too long, which somehow triggered the windows to roll down.
After drying everything out as best I could with towels and my vacuum, I held my breath and turned it on. Surprisingly, everything seemed to work fine! For the past day, I've been trying to get rid of all the dampness. I parked it in the sun with the windows down, ran the AC to dry it out, and even put a bucket of Damp Rid in the back. As of last night, it felt pretty dry, but I'm leaving the Damp Rid in there for a few more days to be safe.
Has anyone else experienced a similar "window down" disaster?
I think I accidentally held down the unlock button on my keyfob too long, which somehow triggered the windows to roll down.

Has anyone else experienced a similar "window down" disaster?